Good music

Little gems here and there

Great use of voice mixing to create a fantastic hook

And, as always, the fantastic RAC remix

Because who doesn't love a little zydeco

Any song that uses voice to create the main beat line of the song has got "it" in my book

And, even more impressively, a live version. Dudes got pipes.

And one more for good measure, this one by a Carencro, Louisiana boy with the last name of Broussard, so you know it's pretty funky and soulful.  Although this is one of those cases where if you JUST listened to the song you would NEVER guess what the singer looks like.

I've always kind of wondered WHY I like certain music.  Why anybody likes any particular kind of music.  What is it? Does it inspire something with us? Does it hit a certain "happy" nerve that resonates and continues on every time the song plays; inspiring those memories over and over again?

There are definitely songs I associate with certain times and moments in my life. There are songs that inspire wannabe greatness.  Songs that make me want to go really fast, move really slow, think really hard, love big and hope strong...but...WHY?

Why do we love music so much!?

1 comment:

CodaCoaching said...

James Blake kind of reminds me of you. Well, if you could actually sing of course.