
When I am at my most productive (in the context of thought processes) I am a damn thinking machine.  I have solved world problems, I have written books, I have contained drama with words and actions, I have planned things 6 months in advance (contrary to my usual 6 hours in advance); I have basically been the most thoughtful and productive person in the entire universe for that specific time period.

The only problem is the timing of these moments.  They never happen when they are useful.  They usually occur in the roughly five to ten minutes it takes me to fall asleep every night.  You know that half awake, half drifting, half asleep mind bending journey you take every night before officially "falling asleep?" Yea, that's the one.

I suppose I can empathize with people who say the best thing to do is put a notepad of some sort beside your bed on a table or something, because that is - quite literally - the ONLY way I'd be able to remember any of the thoughts that I have right before I fall asleep.  It's pretty frustrating sometimes but I definitely prefer sleeping over not sleeping.  As a consequence of that preference I do not end up taking action with regard to my excellent thoughts.  I suppose it's just something the world will have to deal with: my preference of actually falling asleep versus my desire to make the world a better place by executing on my thoughts.

Woe is...the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't it the other way around? If you are a thinking machine then you are the most productive?

I am the opposite of you. My brain is most active in the morning. This is how I know I am a morning person. My brain activity peaks around 10/11 and then starts to slow down. By the evening, and especially bed time, I am almost devoid of all thoughts. It can be frustrating because I want to be productive. I want to do things. I want to get things done. But in some respects, I am lucky. If my mind worked at night the way it does in the morning, I would never get any sleep.

As it stands now, my mind's productivity is hindered by my schedule. A schedule where I simply can't stop and take a moment to process the avalanche of thoughts. I started using the voice recorder on my phone to capture these snapshots. But I hate the sound of my voice so I don't listen to them. How's that for productivity?